Most injured worker's compensation claims are orthopedic. In particular, hand and wrist are the most frequent on-the-job injuries. These injuries are often highly complex and require a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan that is best delivered by a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who is fellowship trained in hand and wrist. Such an orthopedic surgeon is also known as a hand surgeon.
One of the most critical decisions an employee has to make is to choose their worker's compensation doctor. Each state has its own rules and regulations regarding workers' compensation programs. In Nebraska, the employee can select his treating doctor. However, the employee must follow specific compensation rules and compensation requirements.
You can choose ANY doctor If your employer does not tell you about your right to choose a doctor.
You can choose ANY doctor if you need surgery, if your injury involves dismemberment, or if your claim is denied.
If your employer tells you about your right to choose a doctor and #2 does not apply, you may ONLY select a doctor who has treated you or a family member before your injury.
Your employer cannot make you seek treatment from another doctor. However, they can ask you to see another doctor for an evaluation as part of a second opinion.
What if You Want to Change Doctors?
If the doctor has been chosen AFTER your employer told you of your rights, you cannot change doctors unless your employer agrees.
What if My Employer Wants Me to Change Doctors?
If the doctor has been chosen AFTER your employer told you of your rights, you cannot be made to change your doctor unless you agree.
What if Your Injury is an Emergency?
If you need emergent care, you can see any doctor as soon as possible. If you need more treatment after your emergency, the above rules apply.